Let your vibe be your guide – 3 Ways to Tap into Your Intuition

Let your vibe be your guide – 3 Ways to Tap into Your Intuition

  • Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Do you ever find yourself indecisive on your journey to making your dreams a reality? I mean are there times that you find yourself stuck, not knowing if you’re making the right decisions in life?

If you’re tired of struggling with when to trust your gut or not then watch this video to learn how to go from indecisive to intuitively guided.

One of the things that frequently comes up for my clients in Dream Life Academy when we start working on aligned action is the question of how do I know if I’m taking the right actions to manifest what I want.

I one hundred percent understand this dilemma because I myself am a recovering perfectionist and I’ve had to work hard to develop skills to trust what I’m doing is the right thing on my journey to attracting what I want, and tuning into the intuition that’s going to get me there.

The secret is to let your Vibe be your guide. If you can imagine Tuning into the frequency of your Divine vibration like a radio frequency and then clearly listening to precise instructions on achieving your dreams then that is what these tips are going to help you create for your own life.

And be sure to stick around to the end because I will give you actionable steps to help you implement this today

By the end of this video, you will know 3 Ways to Tap into Your Intuition. so that you can manifest your dreams with clarity and peace of mind.

These techniques I’m going to share with you today have helped so many of my clients and Dream Life Academy and I can’t wait to share them with you.

Oh and if you want daily tips and motivation for your manifestation journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @_tiffanyshelton

Okay so let’s jump right into these tips!

ONE: So the first way you’re going to tap into your intuition is by using your emotions. So if we go back to the imagery of tuning into the frequency of our vibration like a radio, then our emotions are the signals being emanated from that frequency.

But first let me backup and explain why your Vibe is your guide.  There is a quote by Jiddu Krishnamurti that says, “Intuition is the whispering of the soul.”

And I love that quote because it supports the wisdom that all of our desires, everything that we want emanates from our inner spirit. and as I teach my clients in Dream Life Academy our inner Spirit sends a signal to let us know if we’re on the right track to getting what it is that our spirit truly wants. 

So if we are thinking and doing things that are in line with what we want then our spirit gives us positive emotion. But if we’re in a place where either what we’re doing or what we’re thinking or believing does not bring us closer to what our spirit wants then we are going to feel negative emotions. 

So it’s always important to align with our inner spirit because that is the place from which our desires come from and what we want comes from. And so in order to stay aligned with that we want to pay attention to the emotions that our spirit gives us which is our Vibe, our mood.

In knowing this then we know that paying attention to how we feel is of utmost importance if we want to tap into our intuition,  or in other words we are going to let our vibe be our guide. 

And it’s important to remember that you want to pay attention to not only how you feel emotionally but how you feel physically.  This is because our feelings start as emotions in our gut. So even emotions start as physical sensations so if you can stay in tune with how your body is feeling as well as start to name emotions that you’re feeling throughout the day this is going to help you stay in tune with your vibration.

Again this is all to help us really understand those signals that are coming from our inner spirit trying to keep us on track with what it is that we want.

And if you want some extra help staying on track with your goals and dreams, I really want you to know about my modAmbition goal planner that will launch on May 30th! It is infused with techniques like these to help you enjoy the journey to manifesting your dreams. I am very confident it will be useful to most people that want a practical tool to manifest using a proven system. It has a modern aesthetic and is designed for ambitious women with big goals so please check it out, I know you will love it. Just go to https://signup.modambition.com/ 

TWO: Ok so the second way to tap into your intuition that I want to share is to connect with your inner Spirit. Again it’s all about staying aligned with the guidance from our Higher Selves that holds our desires and letting your vibe be your guide.

And connecting with your inner Spirit will help make your vibe crystal clear.

Here are the methods I always suggest to connect with your Higher Self: 

  1. Meditation, – this will help you tune into your inner Observer
  2. Prayer – this will help you communicate with your Higher Power
  3. Quiet time – this will give you space to hear messages from your Higher Self.
  4. And journaling, which will help you process what you’re inner Spirit is trying to tell you. And as promised I want to give you a practical strategy that will help you apply these tips today so here is a journal prompt to get you started. Journal prompt: What would trusting myself look like in my life right now

If this is making sense to you write manifesting in the comments so I know, or let me know if you have any questions

THREE: Let go the fear of being wrong, mistakes are opportunities to evolve

This means, tuning in to how you are feeling and then taking action, don’t ruminate. This is different than impulsivity. You thoughtfully consider all data, prioritizing how a decision would feel either way and then act accordingly. 

It’s not the same as acting without thinking. It also doesn’t mean avoiding taking any actions that bring about negative emotions. For instance you might be afraid to network with other people, but when you think about the benefit of building community you feel inspired. Be sure to consider how you feel at large about any decisions.

If you like to learn more about overcoming limiting beliefs, be sure to check out my free masterclass: WISHING TO ATTRACTING

I have some good news for you as well! In the modAmbition planner that I’m going to be launching here very soon, I have a very special section that uses my particular technique for covering up for overcoming limiting beliefs.

If you want to get on the list to get a special lunch invite and special discount for this planner that I will be dropping very soon be sure to click this link below:

Get your modAmbition Planner: https://signup.modambition.com/

let your vibe be your guide - 3 ways to tap into your intuition

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