Manifestation Tools

4 Powerful Manifestation Tools to Manifest Money

4 Powerful Manifestation Tools to Manifest Money

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Manifestation Tools

You likely know that the law of attraction is a powerful philosophy to help you manifest what you desire. BUT, if you’re like me you value concrete tools that help you apply your knowledge


Sick and tired of being broke or living paycheck to paycheck and ready to learn practical tools for attracting money? 


Read this blog to learn how to go from broke as a joke to manifesting money with ease.


I’ve personally used these manifestation tools to “make it rain” so to speak in my life and fast-track the money manifestation process. 


You absolutely deserve financial abundance to rain down on you, and I want to empower you with these practical manifestation tools that will help you attract divine abundance. 

Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:

4 Manifestation Tools




In order to attract money, it is crucial that we directly align with the energy we will have when we obtain that money. We want to inoculate our brain with the experience of already having everything we need and from this energy point, we will attract more. 


The best way to create this type of alignment is by using our emotions and allowing ourselves to feel how we would feel when we attract the money we desire


A powerful tool to do this is scripting for manifestation. This is a manifestation journaling technique that you can use to help see your abundance now and directly align your energy with attracting money. 


I have an in-depth video on scripting for manifestation which you can click here to watch: 


But essentially, you would take time when you are in a good mood to journal about the day you manifest the money you would like to attract. 


Two things are important to remember: 1) write in the present tense as if you have already manifested the money you want; and 2) pay special attention to journaling about the emotions you will feel upon manifesting this money. 




Jen Sincero, the author of  You are a badass at making money, said “What you can and can’t afford it all in your mind.” This is why it is important for us to take a good look at our beliefs around money.


If you’re in my program Dream Life Academy you know we take time to really uncover our limiting beliefs and overcome them. 


And one of the things I pride myself on is my unique ability to help people actually change their mindsets using strategies based on evidence based psychology, spirituality, and proven mindset strategies because it is so important to manifestation. 


And as a psychologist, my expertise makes me uniquely qualified to teach others how to reprogram their minds and develop a manifestation mindset. This is something you just won’t find from most manifestation teachers and coaches. 


One of the tools that I want to share with you is a focus wheel. A focus wheel is a law of attraction tool that you can use once you have identified any limiting beliefs you might have about money. 


Instead of fighting against your unconscious with affirmations that you don’t truly believe in, a focus wheel helps you get on board with believing in your ability to attract money. 


I have an entire video on how to create a focus wheel, which you can click here to watch: 


But the basic how-to for this tool is to grab a pen and paper and draw a large outer circle and a smaller inner circle. 

4 Manifestation Tools

Let your center statement be the affirmation about manifesting money that you have limiting beliefs about. Then fill in the outer circle with believable statements that will help your mind get on board with the center statement. 


I recommend reading your focus wheel at least once a day as a part of your daily routine. And if you want to learn how to create a manifestation routine be sure to click here for my FREE MANIFESTATION DAILY ROUTINE DOWNLOAD: 




According to research highlighted in, “Unsurprisingly, those who are the most grateful also tend to be less materialistic, likely because people who appreciate what they already have are less likely to fixate on obtaining more. It’s probably also not a surprise to learn that those who are grateful and less materialistic enjoy greater life satisfaction (Tsang, Carpenter, Roberts, Frisch, & Carlisle, 2014).” 


This type of life satisfaction is crucial to overcoming scarcity thinking that is keeping you focused on the money you don’t have yet. 


Use the manifestation tool of gratitude journaling to shift your vibrational energy to abundant and satisfied.


Specifically, take 5-10 minutes a day to journal about how grateful you are for the money, security, and abundance in your life. Pay special attention to how all your basic needs are being met and your appreciation in advance for the money that is already flowing towards you.




Using the first 3 manifestation tools will help you align your vibration with money to attract faster, but it is important to remember that our actions are also important.


What we do also affect the manifestation process and we want to be sure that our actions are in alignment with the money we want to attract. 


For this last manifestation tool, 10 Minute Refocus, you will take time to sit down and quickly brainstorm how your action is impacting your attraction of money. We don’t want this activity to be too long, because we want to tap into our intuitions and gut feelings. 


Grab a pen and paper. Then take 5 minutes to write down all the activities in your life that are low return and not contributing to making the money you desire to attract. 


Then take 5 minutes to brainstorm which activities have the highest return for your goal to make money. 


This 10 minute refocus will help make sure your behaviors are not getting in the way of attracting money.

These manifestation tools are powerful techniques to help you manifest money NOW! Use these tools to start attracting the money you divinely deserve.

I have developed a formula for manifestation that has helped me manifest my husband, babies, and profitable business. 


If you’re interested in working with me in my Dream Life Academy program to learn my exact roadmap for turning dreams into reality be sure to click here:


Now you know how to trust the universe when manifesting your dreams. I hope these tips help you let go and enjoy the journey towards your dream life.


And like I mentioned before, I want to help you start the new year off right, so please join me for my free LIVE master training in January called WISHING to ATTRACTING where we will be diving deep into how to make your dreams a reality in 2021.

There are limited spots! Click here to register:

Manifestation Tools

Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast track your manifestation efforts!