best apps for entrpreneurs

Best Apps for Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs 2019

Best Apps for Entrepreneurs and Solopreneurs 2019

Are you looking for help for your business but not ready to hire full time help? Or would you like to know some easy apps to help your growing business. I’m sharing my top ten business apps for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs.

Watch my Youtube Video with these tips if you prefer here: Youtube Video with these Tips!

best apps for entrpreneurs

XERO – Accounting for Ecommerce

So, my first app is called, and it’s an app and website for accounting. So, I now have a book keeper, but before I had a bookkeeper, especially for solopreneurs, if you have eCommerce business, this app is a great website and app to use for bookkeeping and it can connect to your stores on the back end, and I found it a lot easier to use than quick books.

Upwork – Freelancers

My second app is a website called Upwork, and it’s also an app. And this is an app that you can use to find freelancers to help your business. So, you can find freelancers to help you write blogs, you can find freelancers to do administrative work as well as customer service work. So, this is also a great tool to get the help you need without hiring someone, you can just find a freelancer.

FIVERR – Freelancers

The third one is, and Fiverr, I’ve used to help me with editing music, editing videos, but also I’ve used it to help me set up my back end on my Google Analytics. So, they have web developers and you can get these things at very reasonable cost, and that one is Fiverr,

Hootesuite – Social Media

The next one is Hootesuite, that’s number four. Hootesuite. It’s an app that I use to schedule all my instagram posts and I find it very useful. You can schedule your social media, schedule your Facebook. you can schedule your Twitter on this. You can schedule all your social media so that way you can plan ahead and not have to be worried about doing these things day to day and day to day you can focus on what you’re good at in your business.

business apps – Transcription

The fifth one is is a website that I use to transcribe my videos and turn them into blog posts so you can save that time. You can have your videos transcribed, and add them to your captions if you use YouTube for your business or if you have videos that you want to transcribe to blogs, say you put a podcast out, you can send them to and you can have them transcribed at a very reasonable cost.

Task Rabbit – In person freelance help

The next one is Task Rabbit. And this is an app that you can use to find freelancers to do labor. So I’ve used it to help me with things like packing and shipping. I’ve also used it at events for employees and contractors that I need and then I’ve also used it for help with cleanup at events.

Google Drive and Google Hangouts – Collaboration

The next app, my husband recommended and he is an entrepreneur with over 30 employees. The app he suggested is Google Drive and Google Hangouts. He is an entrepreneur with multiple employees of Google hangouts. It’s something that they use to really talk and communicate and it’s been really helpful to his company. So I thought that I share that for you entrepreneurs that have employees.

Trello – Project Management

Another one which is good for sharing if you have employees or you can just share your to do less with contractors or I use it with my husband, is Trello. Trello is an app that you can use to do all your to-do list and you can make checklists within to-do lists and you can share that with other people other and work on projects together. So it’s really good. Not just to work with other people, but to streamline your to-do list as a business owner so you’re not like with papers all over the place, so I love that app.

Insight Timer – Free Meditation App

And then the last one is the Insight Timer. That’s number 10, the Insight Timer. And as a conscious go getter, I think meditation and mindfulness are so important to create a sustainable hustle. So I have added the Insight Timer as my last app that I use as a solopreneur that has really helped to change my life and helped me to create a sustainable hustle by bringing me peace and clarity at the beginning of my day. It’s a free app. It has tons of guided meditations. It has music, it has, you can search by the duration of how much time you have. So it’s really convenient for business owners and I just love it.

apps for solopreneurs

Those are my top 10 business app for entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. If you guys are liking these apps, please write Conscious Go getter in the comments below, or if you have your own suggestions for apps that you use in your business as an entrepreneur or solopreneur, please comment below and let’s help each other out.