developing personal identity

Developing Personal Identity

Developing Personal Identity

Be You, Do You: The Benefits of Self-Definition


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“What do we mean by saying that existence precedes essence? We mean that man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world-and defines himself afterward.”  _ Jean-Paul Sartre


Today I wanted to talk about the importance of self-definition and developing personal identity. I love the quote above from Sartre because it speaks to our need to go beyond just existing to defining who we are.


There comes a time in all our lives that you begin to really ask yourself, Who Am I? I’m not talking about the adolescent identity crisis that we go through as teenagers. I’m talking about when we consciously take a look at ourselves as adults and decide who we are and whom we want to be.


So What Is Self-Definition?


Self-Definition is exactly that! Taking a look at who we have become and deciding who we want to be going forward. It’s about accepting yourself while at the same time intending to become the best version of yourself.


Here are four components of self-definition that are crucial to developing personal identity:

  • Ego Strength. Although many texts contextualize ego in the negative sense of the word, the term ego strength refers to our ability to maintain our core selves regardless of thoughts, emotions, or circumstances. As Anodea Judith puts it, “A strong ego is able to integrate diverse and difficult experiences and maintain consistency in the Self.” In neuropsychology, we define ego strength as the ability to control one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. Overall, ego strength allows us to stay in control of our lives, in accordance with our greater intentions.


  • Self-Confidence. No definition is needed here. Finding ways to be confident in yourself is a major component of personal identity. Intensely owning who you are, accepting it, and loving it creates personal identity. Being confident in your abilities, and loving yourself regardless of your flaws helps to define who you are instantly.


  • Feeling Grounded and Gratified (prerequisites). Essentially, balancing your first chakra (self-preservation) and second chakra (self-gratification) are prerequisites to balancing your third chakra (self-definition). We’ll talk more about the third chakra below.


  • Forward momentum towards who you want to be (Your Intended Self). When we have defined who we are, our existence takes on a forward momentum towards self-fulfillment. Self-definition is a defining moment towards who we intend to be. Our personal identity combines what we are with who we intend to be. These intentions are influenced by our own desires and divine inspiration.



The Third Chakra

Developing personal identity is directly related to balancing the third chakra. The third chakra is called Manipura, or The Solar Plexus Chakra. This energy force is housed in our core and consists of the abdomen, digestive system, and lower and middle back. The third chakra’s color is yellow.



This chakra’s symbolic element is fire, symbolizing the combustion of action that occurs when our intentioned selves are combined with our physical selves. This fire metaphor also illustrates the process of finding ourselves and developing individuality. Through the combination of air and energy, a new element of fire is birthed which represents the birth of self.



Right in our gut, this chakra is directly connected to our digestive systems, which is a key indicator of overexertion of will power (i.e. ulcers and IBS). Also, anxiety or anger can lead to stress on your gut (i.e. diarrhea and IBS). The gut is also a source of intuition.


For more information about Chakras, Click Here to Download My Free Ebook: An Easy Guide to Chakras


Benefits of A Balanced Third Chakra

  • The combustion of your Grounded Self and your Higher Self creates a third element, Your Defined Self
  • Greater self-esteem
  • Increased motivation and grit
  • Greater ability to trust yourself
  • Greater drive
  • Increased will power
  • Autonomy
  • Optimal Ego Strength


Get Started with Self-Definition (Journaling Prompt)


When it comes to your personal identity development, take a look on where you fall on the spectrum. Are you deficient? Or are you in excess when it comes to self-definition? Take a look at the characteristics of deficiency and excess and see where you fit in.


Excess Characteristics




Narcissistic or Conceited

Over-exerted Ego



Deficient Characteristics

Low Self-Esteem


Easily Manipulated

Lacking direction


Low Energy

Journal Questions

Where do you fall when it comes to developing personal identity? Deficient or in Excess of third chakra energy?

  • Based on this, what is your goal when it comes to defining yourself? Who do you want to be?
  • What would a more defined version of yourself look like? What would you do? How would you act?
  • How would your life be different if you developed a strong sense of personal identity?
  • What have you tried before to help you in this area of your life? What worked? What didn’t work?
  • How does self-definition align with your purpose?


Let me know how these journal questions help you. We all have the divine right to become who we want to be and be proud of ourselves. Defining who you want to be and having the will power to fulfill that vision is a key element to living your best life. Let your Spirit guide you as you develop personal identity and watch your motivation, self-confidence, and will power soar!


– Tiffany Shelton, M.A. is a conscious lifestyle blogger and training to become a neuropsychologist in Los Angeles, CA. Her passion to elevate consciousness incorporates brain science, psychology, and spiritual philosophies. Her writing goes beyond the message of self-care or wellness, but instead consciously adds to these movements by demanding awakening and insight. Learn more about Tiffany Shelton by clicking here.

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Developing Personal Identity