Grieving an Icon: 3 Conscious Tips to Process our Prince Loss

Grieving An Icon

3 Conscious Tips To Process the Loss of Prince


The shock is wearing off and you are left with your pain. How could we lose a genius so great? So authentic? So PRINCE? A stranger, but so familiar. An icon yet so relatable.  Out of the box yet loved by so many. Our hearts hurt. Our minds confused. And it’s oddly unshakable. I understand and am right there with you. Here are 3 tips to take a conscious approach to grief.

Conscious Grieving of Prince
Grieving the Loss of an Icon: Prince

Honor His Purpose

Take a look at yourself in the midst of your grief and ask yourself: Why did I love this person, who I never met, so much? What was it about him that connected with my soul? What did he express to the world that resonated with my own way of being? Realize what inspired you about this artist and live up to that to the fullest. As a nerdy creative brown girl, Prince’s authenticity resonates with my desire to be my true Self no matter what situation or encounter. The way he exuded confidence in being exactly his brilliant self, in a world that many times shuns those that don’t fit into our tight boxes. For me that was his purpose and I plan on honoring that truth in the way I live my life. Basking in my true authentic Self and capitalizing on that uniqueness. What inspired you about Prince? Now go live that! Live it to fullest, honoring what he stirred up in you and honoring the blessing of still being alive, surviving and thriving.


I like to think about attachment similar to the way I think about addiction. It’s perfectly healthy to desire but when we need something to live that’s when attachment can harm us. Unfortunately society perpetuates the false notion of permanence, when the laws of this world point to the opposite. Everything, from the molecules that combine to make us whole, is ever changing, evolving, transitioning, transferring. We must give up our attachment to his brilliance, and his presence. We must harness our faith in the orderly chaos of the Universe, and for me God, to trust that his brilliance served it’s purpose and as a result that same brilliance will visit this Earth again in a different form. Perhaps that brilliance lives in you, and I hope you let it shine.

Similar to the myth of permanence, is the notion that celebrities live with some sort of deity status. We must also let go of the notion that the creative and abundantly talented live a life void of afflictions, mental turmoil, or even illness. Just as human and flawed as you and I, they suffer suffering like the rest of us. Perhaps acknowledging their talent in the midst of suffering can help us take them off of a pedestal, and instead accept their descendance into the earth.

That Big Voice

In the midst of letting go of attachment there is one thing we can hold onto: their voice. Not only the beautiful sound of their voice and music, but also what they had to say. Hold on to what they wanted to say to the world. I was speaking to a friend about our loss of Prince and he reminded me of this. Their flesh may have transitioned, but their voice remains.

Processing Prince Grief
Processing Prince Grief


Take care of yourself loves! Take time to mourn and validate your pain. It’s real, it’s just, it hurts. Hope this article helps you process your loss. And let me know if you have any other tips on this topic.
– Tiffany Shelton, M.A. is a psychotherapist and consciousness expert. Her passion to elevate consciousness goes beyond the message of self-care or wellness, but instead consciously adds to these movements by demanding awakening and insight. Learn more about Tiffany Shelton by clicking here.

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