Happy Habits

Happy Habits

By: Tiffany Shelton

Tiffany is a holistic therapist providing counseling in Woodland Hills (West Valley). She specializes in women’s empowerment related to self-esteem, self-confidence, and relationship issues. Her writing, public speaking, and teaching endeavors are dedicated to helping others elevate consciousness and well-being.


Happiness needs no introduction so I’ll get straight to the point here! Here are 5 habits proven to improve mood and overall happiness.

Sleep well and wake early

Sleep quality and amount of sleep are highly correlated with mood. So many Americans go through life pushing themselves on the brink of exhaustion. Please don’t believe the hype that you can be just as productive, healthy, and happy without the adequate amount of sleep. I cringe when I hear people brag about only sleeping 4 or 5 hours a night. The truth is adults need 7-9 hours of sleep. “Some people say they can function on four to six hours of sleep each night, but research shows that adults who get fewer than seven hours of sleep — whether for just one night or over the course of days, weeks, or months — have more difficulty concentrating and more mood problems than people who sleep seven to nine”, says Dr. Laura J. Martin. Also waking up early is correlated with happiness. Recent research has shown that those that wake earlier, compared to those that sleep in, have a higher life satisfaction. Theories link this correlation to our circadian rhythms and our connection to the rise and fall of the sun.

Get moving

Exercise is proven to improve our moods based on the chemical effects it causes in our body. When we exercise our brain releases feel good chemicals like endorphins, and reduces stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Furthermore, it has been proven to reduce depression and anxiety! The Huffington Post has a cool graphic explaining the benefits of exercise on happiness, read it here 


Eliminate Empty Calories


“About 85% of Americans do not consume the US Food and Drug Administration’s recommended daily intakes of the most important vitamins and minerals necessary for proper physical and mental development”, according to a recent article in The Guardian 

The sad truth is that due to processed foods, fast food, and lack of information, many people are not getting the nutrients they need, but instead are eating mostly empty calories. Malnutrition greatly impacts our ability to be happy, and affects our mood. According to the Journal of Clinical nutrition, “The functional consequences of such malnutrition include not only physical changes but also psychological changes such as depression, anxiety, irritability, apathy, poor sleep pattern and loss of concentration.”

Here are some tips to increase your nutrient intake:

  • Eat mostly whole, unprocessed, organic (if possible) foods. This means increase your consumption of FRESH fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid microwaving your food. Microwaving kills most nutrients in your food, as it denatures the nutrients chemistry. (*Myth Buster: Frozen vegetables and fruits retain nutrients through the process contrary to popular belief)
  • Do not mistake a multi-vitamin/supplement for an adequate supply of vitamins. Most of your nutrients should come from food, and only use a supplement to fill in the gaps. This is because our bodies cannot absorb all the synthetically made nutrients that vitamins market themselves to include. The best way for our bodies to breakdown and absorb nutrients is through natural food.
  • Try juicing and smoothies. This a great way to naturally get the nutrients you need in one convenient drink.
  • Add them in your salad. Salads are also another trick to get your nutrients quickly easily. Try adding, chia seeds, hemps seeds, nuts, avocados, etc in your salad for a care-free way to increase your nutrient intake.

Free yourself of toxic relationships

mom and daughter

As a therapist I know first hand, how toxic relationships can destroy happiness. Much of my work is dedicated to helping others correct toxic patterns that perpetuate toxic relationships. Surround yourself with joyful and supportive people that want to see you happy and prove it by the way they treat you. Indulge in relationships that are reciprocal and question those that are constantly draining you of your joy. Here are some tips to fortify your positive relationships and correct or get rid of those toxic ones:

  • Set boundaries with people. People can have your presence, resources, and love on your terms, and there is no shame in setting limits with people. If you feel like someone is taking too much from you, decide what works for you and present it to him or her in a kind and loving way. But be prepared that some will not understand your boundaries, but it doesn’t change the necessity for them.
  • Break toxic patterns. Take an inventory of what types of people you are attracting and really ask yourself how does this serve you. One way to examine these patterns is talking to a therapist and working towards correcting such patterns. Read how to find a therapist here.
  • Relish in relationships that support and nourish you. Invest more time in these reciprocal relationships and really relish in connections that feed your soul.


Stay Present and Practice Gratitude


Having a practice in your life that elevates your consciousness and promotes gratitude will make your happiness levels soar. Unchecked unconscious behaviors can cause mental health issues like addiction, toxic patterns, anxiety, depression, and many more. “Several meditation studies have revealed that consistent, long-term meditation can physically change the brain, help people become happier, more empathetic, less self-centered, and better equipped to handle stress”, according to GoodTherapy.org. Learn other benefits of meditation here, or to watch a free guided meditation demo click here


Here are some other tips to stay present and grateful:

  • Take a nature walk. Nature has incredible healing powers to help ground us and foster gratitude. Maybe you can even incorporate your exercise routine outdoors.
  • Essential Oils can help. Essential oils use our sense of smell to help brings us into the present moment. As your brain experiences the aromas from the oil, you become instantly grounded in the present moment. Read more about the benefits of essential oils here.
  • Create a gratitude journal. At the end of the day take a moment to write down 3 things that you are grateful for. You will be delighted to find that your happiness multiplies the more you focus on what you are grateful for!


I wish you well on your journey to increased happiness!


Tiffany Shelton

Tiffany is a holistic therapist providing counseling in Woodland Hills (West Valley). She specializes in women’s empowerment related to self-esteem, self-confidence, and relationship issues. Her writing, public speaking, and teaching endeavors are dedicated to helping others elevate consciousness and well-being.

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