How To Establish Boundaries And Stop People Pleasing

How To Establish Boundaries And Stop People Pleasing

– Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

It is your duty and your duty alone to protect your vibration- and I want to ask you, are you giving the guard key to someone else?

If you are tired of letting other people kill your vibe, I want you to read this blog to learn how to establish healthy boundaries and stop pleasing people. 


By the end of this blog, you will know exactly how to go from feeling constantly affected by those close to you to knowing exactly how to protect your peace and your vibe.


In my Dream Life Academy, I realized that many of my clients were applying all their learnings to vibrate high only to have their joy stolen by those close to them that were either spewing negativity or encroaching on their boundaries. So I began also teaching them ways to protect their vibe by establishing healthy boundaries and the results were amazing. 


You deserve this same peace, and today I want to share a few of those tips with you today. 

And be sure to click here for my FREE assertive communication template that I will discuss further in TIP # 3 below! :


But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register:

Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:

TIP #1: Vibrate High On Your Own


The first step in protecting your vibe is starting off with a high vibration in the first place. When you are feeling joy and vibrating high it makes it much harder for others to come in and take your peace. When you are down and stressed, it’s more difficult to find the strength to protect your vibration.


It also makes it very clear when your boundaries are being violated because the negative emotion will be so contrasting to how you initially felt.


For tips on how to vibrate high everyday be sure to watch this video:


TIP #2: Know What Your Boundaries Are


My second tip to protecting your vibe and establishing healthy boundaries is to define what your boundaries actually are. 


Brainstorm how you would like your relationships to look and take stock of what boundaries you would need to attain this type of relationship. Become aware of your own needs, wants, and desires when in relationship. 


PRO TIP: And hear me when I say it is 100% okay to put yourself first and focus on what makes you happy.


TIP #3: Communicate Your Boundaries


My next tip is to verbalize your boundaries and emotions. Trust me you don’t want to feel the internal dread of this meme.


Here are tips to help you communicate your boundaries:

  • Practice voicing your boundaries early on in relationships, because many times if you let these things slide in the beginning by giving an inch, people will take a mile. I remember when I first started applying this to my dating life and started letting men know early on that I was looking for something serious and made it clear I wouldn’t accept netflix and chills, that I wanted to be courted, and I was done with situationships. I weeded out those guys that weren’t meant for me more quickly which led to me meeting my husband shortly after this!
  • Say no without explanation. Click here to listen to Shonda and Oprah describe how important this is:
  • Lastly, learn to practice assertive communication when you feel like others are not respecting your boundaries. This takes practice and preparing for these conversations can make it much easier until you feel more versed in assertive communication. 
  • I have a FREE assertive communication script template that you can use to prepare for these conversations.

    Click here to get the FREE SCRIPT template:

TIP #4: Stop Emotionally Babysitting Negative People


Emotionally babysitting people is killing your vibe! Here’s how to stop:


  • Be honest, don’t walk on eggshells
  • Tiptoeing and trying to regulate them only enables this behavior and send s the message they can’t handle this on their own
  • Don’t go to their turf. Instead of trying to dive into their negativity and uplift them, stay in a place of positive vibration for yourself without feeling mandated to join in their misery or frustration. Even if that frustration comes from trying to help them and they do not want to be helped. Don’t go there.
  • Instead, ask yourself- “What do I want to feel in this interaction?” And focus on creating that instead (i.e. feeling connection or feeling heard)

So those are my tips on how to protect your vibration and how to establish boundaries and stop people pleasing.


Be sure to click here for my FREE assertive communication script template:


And if you want to take a deeper dive into manifestation beyond just protecting your vibe, I have a FREE Masterclass just for you called WISHING TO ATTRACTING. It’s packed with value and my exact roadmap to manifesting everything you desire while maintaining joy along the way! 


Click here to register for my FREE MASTERCLASS: 

Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast track your manifestation efforts!