How to Have More Energy After Work

How to Have More Energy After Work

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

There are so many reasons why you may be tired at the end of the day. Maybe it’s because you had too much screen time throughout the day, maybe you’re drained by all the roles you play throughout the day from mommy, to professional, to partner. 

Or maybe you’ve experienced one that gets me all the time being a mom of two under two, you didn’t sleep great the night before because one of your kids decided to randomly wake up and cry in the middle of the night. 

Whatever the reason, it can feel so defeating to find yourself exhausted and depleted at the end of a work day and having ways to boost your energy can be life changing. 

You guys loved the first video I did on this topic which I will link here:, 

so I decided to come back with 3 more unexpected ways to have more energy after work

And be sure to stick around to the end because I will give you a free resource that will help you put these steps into action

As mom and wife, with big goals and mindful intentions, there are some days that I pick up my kids from school and I find myself wondering how am I going to make it through dinner and bath time because I just feel so exhausted. 

So these are things I have personally used with much success to have more energy after work and give myself a pick me up so I can have more energy, be more present with my loved ones, and carry on with the things I need to get done in the evening. 

Oh and if you want daily tips and motivation for your manifestation journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @_tiffanyshelton

But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

manifestation masterclass

I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register:


Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:


FIRST: The first unexpected thing I will do is expose myself to sunlight. 

You guys know I am a stickler for evidence-based strategies because I simply don’t want to waste my time with things that have not been proven to work. Research shows that natural sunlight can produce high energy levels for those that feel fatigued. 

My favorite way to do this after work is to take a walk around the neighborhood with my kids strapped in the double stroller and hubby by my side but you can can go sit by a window or even just take some time to bask in the sun before your car ride home. 


SECOND: Use scents to become more alert.

Aromas have been used for centuries to help people perk up and become more alert, and guess what much research supports this as well. 

Some of my favorite essentials oils to sniff for a quick energy boost are:

  • Lemon
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary


THIRD: Energizing Music

Music has extreme power to change our mood and energy levels. On those days that I need an extra boost, when we are driving home from daycare I turn off the Cocomelon and turn on the Beyonce. 

Not only does this give me a break from hearing wheels on the bus for the 50th time in my day, but brings in so many energizing feelings like joy, excitement, and motivation.

I suggest coming up with an energy-boosting playlist to play just in these times. If Beyonce isn’t jam, no worries, fill your playlist with any songs that make you feel pumped, motivated, and inspired. 

And I want to share a free resource with you all if you would like more help creating a sustainable hustle and ditching burnout. 

Click below to grab my Free Sustainable Hustle Resource Guide:

Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast track your manifestation efforts!

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