How to reprogram your subconscious mind using the law of attraction

How to reprogram your subconscious mind using the law of attraction

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Carl Jung said, “Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will rule our lives and we will call it fate.”

Tired of old thinking patterns and ready to have a mindset that supports happiness and peace? Read this blog to go from mentally stuck to reprogramming your subconscious mind.

And be sure to stick around to the end because I will give you actionable steps to implement these tips today and free resource that will help you put they steps into action!

By the end of this blog,  you will know how to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can vibrate higher and attract the life your dreams. And most importantly maintain happiness along the way. 

Because I’m a psychologist, unlike other manifestation coaches out there, I have a PhD in helping people change their mindsets. In this video I’m going to share practical and evidence based ways I’ve used to help so many clients reprogram their subconscious and change their mindset.

Oh and if you want daily tips and motivation for your manifestation journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @_tiffanyshelton

But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

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I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register:


Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:

One: Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious mind and should be your first step in the process. Mindfulness allows us to stop being on autopilot and bring to light many things we aren’t conscious of. Having a consistent mindfulness practice is going to help you become aware of the unconscious patterns of behaviors and thoughts that you would life to reprogram.

In my free Manifestation Daily Routine Guide linked below you will find many helpful ways to create a mindfulness practice as a part of daily routine. 

Mindfulness just means intentionally connecting with the present moment and bringing your attention back to the present moment when it has strayed. 

It is a simple yet powerful tool that help you connect with your Inner Observer and begin the process of reprograming your subconscious. 


Two: Uncover unconscious negative beliefs

A belief is a thought we keep thinking, usually based on past experiences, that eventually gets automatically wired in your brain. 

When gone unchecked, these automatic unconscious beliefs begin to dictate our mindset and impact our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. In my program Dream Life Academy, I have developed a streamlined way to help my students do the conscious work of discovering and programming these negative beliefs. The results have been exhilarating, seeing my students gain their power back and let go of the grip these unconscious beliefs has on their mindset has truly been amazing. 


Three: Release Defense Mechanisms

I want to encourage you to let go of egoic defence mechanisms to protect your conception of self AKA your identity. Yes, I know that is a mouthful so not only will I say it again but I will also break it down. I want to encourage you to let go of egoic defence mechanisms to protect your conception of self AKA your identity. 

So what does that mean? 

Wayne Dyer said, “Ego is simply the idea of who you are that you carry around with you.”

And our mind unconsciously develops many unconscious strategies to protect this idea of who we are. Unfortunately most of these mechanisms only serve to keep us stuck. However when we release our grip on protecting this idea of ourselves we are able to reprogram our mind to align with our True Selves, our ever expanding Inner Divinity. 

When we can program our brains to let go of defenses and align with the God that lives within us all, that is when we truly tap into our manifestation power. This power allows us to readily create the life of our dreams without resistance. 

Here are a couple of examples of defense mechanisms:

  1. Always having to be right out a of an unconscious fear that being imperfect means you’re unlovable
  2. Projecting your unprocessed emotional drama onto others. This may look like judging others for doing things that you yourself are guilty of for example. 

So how do you spot these unconscious defenses so you can reprogram them? Keep track of how you deal with things like conflict, trauma, negative emotions like anxiety, and you will begin to see a pattern of your defense mechanisms. Of course, if you work with a therapist or a coach they can help you spot these unconscious patterns as well. 


Four: Dream Analysis

Our dreams are full of unconscious material that we have yet to process. Pick your favorite way to analyze the meaning of your dreams. Elevating your consciousness in this way will help reprogram your subconscious mind by consciously processing this material. 


Five: Make it routine

Lastly, you’re going to want to make reprogramming your subconscious apart of your daily routine. Conscious work is a practice not a destination. So be sure to grab my Free Manifestation Daily Routine guide which is full of ways to do this work. 

I want to end with a story of one of my clients in Dream LIfe Academy that was able to reprogram her unconscious mind. She came into my program struggling with depression and anxiety and in our work together she was able to implement all the things we discussed in this video using the tools in my program. Here is what she had to say about how this changed her life for the better:

“I had no idea I was just going through the motions in life and allowing the outside world and my life’s many many challenges to affect how I felt everyday. I really struggled with negative thinking because of what I have been through in life, and I was becoming hopeless. Working with Tiffany in Dream Life Academy helped me take control of my mindset and I can honestly say that I am happy now. I never knew that was even possible for me. And I’m happy to report that this mindset has helped me manifest my amazing boyfriend!” -JN

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