How To Stick To A Routine – 4 Practical Tools

How To Stick To A Routine – 4 Practical Tools

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Are you trying to start a new routine and frustrated because you can’t seem to stick to it? Read this blog to learn 4 practical tools that will help you stick to your routine.

Strong routines are correlated with improved mental and physical health. By the end of this video, you will know how to stick to your routine so that you can vibrate higher and live happier.

And speaking of living happier, have you registered for my Manifesting Happiness Webinar yet? Click here to register for my free training: LINK.

Ok so Mike Murdock said, “The secret of your success is in your daily routine.”

I believe you have a right to divine success AND happiness. And having healthy routines can help you maintain happiness along your journey of manifesting your dreams.

My Dream Life academy clients – you already know this.

But you can only get all the yummy benefits of routines if you know how to stick to them. Let’s jump into how to stick to a routine with my 4 practical tools.


Practical Tool One: Write it out!

Intention is the life fuel for making any routine stick. So start by writing out what your dream routine would look like. If you are looking for daily routines be sure to check out my Manifestation Daily Routine guide that can help you get started: LINK


But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

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I like to type mine on my commuter, print them, and place them either on the fridge or bulletin board. This way you don’t even have to think about what to do when you are ready to do that.
For instance, my morning routine is printed on my fridge, My day/workflow routine is up on my bulletin board in my office, and my nightly evening routine is by my bedside.
My next practical tool to help you stick to a routine is …

Practical Tool Two: Create a sacred space and time!

Carve a space in your house to conduct your routine. And likewise, carve out a dedicated part of your day to dedicate to your routine.
Using the philosophy of the book, The Lazy Genius: Decide once and make things easier for yourself.
For example, If you are trying to start a meditation routine create a sacred space in your home and decide what time of day you will do this routine.
And when it comes to making time, stop saying you don’t have time. I don’t have time is a limiting belief. It’s not that you don’t have time, it’s that you haven’t made time. The latter helps you take your power back.


Practical Tool Three: Plan ahead and track!

Planning will make sticking to your routines much easier. I like to take time at the beginning of the week for planning and this makes sticking to a routine much easier.
Some of the things I plan that make it easier to stick to a routine are:

  • Planning out my workouts for the week for my exercise routines
  • Planning out meals for dinner for my evening routine with the kids
  • Planning out my workout clothes and work clothes the night before so my morning routine goes smoothly

Also, tracking goes along with planning. Once you decide what routines you would like to incorporate into your daily life, track your progress in adhering to these routines. Tracking has been shown to help us make habits stick. And it’s not about shaming yourself if you didn’t do something, it’s about increasing your awareness of what you are doing and what’s getting in the way when you don’t do something. In my manifestation planner printablethere is a system to help you plan and track routines. Click here to get my manifestation planner printable: LINK


Practical Tool Four: Give yourself grace and time!

Gradually build up to new routines. Start small with your routines and gradually build upon them until you reach your goal routine.  I highly recommend the book Atomic Habits, because it will help you focus more on building lasting healthy habits that can be flexible as your routine grows. 

I hope these tips help you live a more satisfying and happy life.

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