How to Stop Overthinking Everything – Stop Overanalyzing

How to Stop Overthinking Everything – Stop Overanalyzing

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

Stop Overthinking Everything

There’s a quote that says “Overthinking is the art of creating new problems out of ones that never existed in the first place”

Are you tired of falling into the trap of overthinking and overanalyzing? Read this blog to learn how to go from overthinking to mental peace.

Overthinking has been shown to lead to stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflict, and many other problems.

By the end of this blog, you will know practical strategies to help you stop overthinking and start manifesting your dream life. 

As a psychologist and in my program Dream Life Academy, I’ve helped many clients make the shift from overanalyzing to mental clarity using tools based in evidence based psychology and spiritual wisdom.


But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

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I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register: 


Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:

How To Stop Overthinking - Stop Overanalyzing

There are generally two situations where people fall prey to overthinking and overanlyzing. 

The first situation is when having to make a decision or take action (looking towards the future). 

And the second situation is when thinking about something that already happened (looking at the past.

I will be giving you practical tools for each of these citations. 

First up:


#1 Making A Decision, Taking Action

Ever heard of analysis paralysis. This is the type of overthinking that overcomes us when we need to make a decision or take action but are paralyzed by thinking way too much about and not taking any action. 

This causes procrastination and a cycle of guilt. 

Here are 3 practical tools to help you get unstuck, stop thinking, and start manifesting.

Firstly, know the signs of overthinking so you can nip it in the bud. Some common signs that you are overthinking a situation is if you are canceling plans, over planning to the point that planning is stressing you out, or if you find yourself procrastinating

Next, schedule time to think and put a deadline on your thinking. Allowing yourself a certain amount of time to think and setting a deadline for action will help you contain the overthinking so it doesn’t get out of control. This allows you to have the space to analyze the situation rationally without letting the analyzing paralyze you. 

Lastly, raise your vibration. Many times we overthink because we are stuck in a low vibration of sad or anxious moods and feeling insecure and lacking confidence. 

The proven way to build self-esteem is not by thinking about it, it is by doing esteemable acts. That is, taking actions that make you feel confident. 

Another way to raise your vibration and stop overthinking is to change your perspective of failure.

Oprah says,  “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” 

Many times we overanalyze situations before taking action because we are afraid of failing. But I want you to stop believing in failure. Take the fear out of challenges by viewing them as an opportunity to learn something, grow, or gain something. 

So instead accept the uncertainty that comes with not knowing the exact outcomes of the actions you are about to take and let go of overthinking that is seeking to bring you reassurance against “failure. 

Ok let’s move on to the second common situation for overthinking. 


#2 Something That Happened In the Past

Ever found yourself ruminating about something in the past? Maybe a mistake you made or something embarrassing that happened? Or maybe you’re overanalyzing an interaction with someone?

Here are my tips to deal with this type of overthinking?

If you made a mistake, make amends with self-compassion. Instead of beating yourself about a mistake or embarrassing situation, allow yourself to learn from the mistake and move forward. 

Apologize if needed without over-explaining. Then offer yourself compassion, decide how you want to be going forward according to your values, and then act accordingly. 

Next, let go of perfectionism. You likely overanalyze past experiences because you have underlying beliefs of perfectionism. If you want to learn more about how to overcome perfectionism be sure to check out this video: 

Instead of overthinking about how the past situation wasn’t perfect, try to find the lesson in the situation and move on. 

Lastly, if you find yourself having repetitive thoughts about the past try distracting yourself. This a helpful distraction for overthinking is meditation. This helps you let go of attaching to your thoughts, and allows you to become the observer of your thoughts. 

Another great distraction is journaling to help let your thoughts go so you can move on to thinking about something else. 

I actually have a free manifestation journal template that you can download if you are looking for help getting started with journaling:


So those are my tips on how to stop overthinking and stop overanalyzing.


Now you know exactly how to stop overthinking but you may be wondering what are the exact steps to take to manifest your dreams. I have a FREE Masterclass: WISHING TO ATTRACTING where I share my exact roadmap for manifestation – Click here to register: 

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Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast-track your manifestation efforts!

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