How to Stop Worrying About Money and The Future

How to Stop Worrying About Money and The Future

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

73% of Americans rank their finances as the most significant source of stress in their life, according to a 2021 Capital One Study. 

Worried about money and the future? Read this blog to learn how to go from stressed to blessed!

And be sure to stick around to the end because I will give you actionable steps to stop worry today!

By the end of this video, you will know how to stop worrying about money and the future so you can vibrate higher and attract abundance. 

You not only have the right financial abundance but you deserve to maintain happiness along the way there. And I want you to know that both are possible for you. 

I work hard to provide a clear roadmap for my Dream Life Academy students to achieve this type of magnetic joy and many of my clients have had to overcome this type of anxiety so I thought I’d make a blog about it so I can help you all do the same. 

Oh and if you want daily tips and motivation for your manifestation journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @_tiffanyshelton


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How to Stop Worrying About Money and The Future

ONE: Focus on your blessings and don’t feed the fear.

Our thoughts about the future and our current situation can fuel feelings of financial anxiety and fear about the future. 

Learn how to pivot from worrying thoughts so you refocus on the blessings within the present moment.

Here are a couple of ways to pivot from worrying thoughts about money and the future:

  • The first way is to remind yourself that you have made it this far and have found a way to survive your past worries. Dale Carnegie said, “Remember today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” 
  • Another thing you can do to pivot is by asking yourself “what’s the worse that can happen?” Then remind yourself that you are capable to handle those situations God forbid they come. For example, there was a time in my life that I was in between apartments and strapped for cash so I didn’t have a place to live for a few months. Fortunately, I was able to be resourceful by moving completely on my own, putting my stuff in storage, and asking for help from a friend who graciously let me stay with her a few weeks. My point is I figured it out by the grace of God. And you can too!

If you are interested in taking a deep dive into developing an abundance mindset that will help with this be sure to attend my FREE Training Manifesting Happiness. Attendees will receive a free MANIFESTING HAPPINESS BINDER PRINTABLE and a chance to win a free meditation cushion set. 

Okay, moving on to tip #2!


TWO: Believe the Universe has your back!

If you want to stop worrying about money and the future then it is crucial that you develop the belief that the Universe has your back! It’s about giving up control and having faith in your Higher Power to never leave you nor forsake you.

Even if you are going through a difficult financial situation right now remember this moment was sent here to transform you and will not last forever.

As Gabby Bernstein says in her book The Universe Has Your Back, “Trust that your wounds are exactly as the Universe planned. They were divinely placed in your life in the perfect order so that you could show up for them with love and remember the light within.”

And as they say in the south, God didn’t bring you this far to leave you. You are blessed enough to have wifi and be watching this video. You are blessed to be breathing. You are blessed to be a divine soul. This too shall pass and THe more you can believe there is order in current chaos the faster you can attract abundance and financial security. 

And lastly,


THREE: Focus on what you can control!

Give up worrying about things you can’t control, and put that energy into ACTING on things you can.

Let me repeat that because somebody needs to hear this: Give up worrying about things you can’t control, and put that energy into ACTING on things you can.

Manifesting financial abundance and security is a co-creation process between you and your Higher Power. Which means you still have to do your part in the process. 

Here are some things you can do that will help you to stop worrying about money and the future:

  •  Make it a priority to have an emergency savings fund. According to a recent survey, 38% of all employees have less than 1,000 dollars to deal with unexpected expenses. Having an emergency fund will help to give that peace of mind and nudge out a lot of the fear.
  • Stay aware of your finances. Don’t put your head in the sand.
  • Work on ways to bring in more income. We are in the era of side hustles. If you have a will to make extra money, there’s a way to manifest it. 

If you are interested in taking a deep dive into developing an abundance mindset that will help with all of this be sure to attend my FREE Training Manifesting Happiness. Attendees will receive a free MANIFESTING HAPPINESS BINDER PRINTABLE and a chance to win a free meditation cushion set.

Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast track your manifestation efforts!

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