How to use the law of attraction to change your life

How to use the law of attraction to change your life

Written by Dr. Tiffany Shelton Mariolle, The Manifesting Psychologist helping you make your dreams a reality!

How to use law of attraction to change your life

Are you ready for a life change? Read this blog to learn how to go from fed up with your life to living your dream life using the law of attraction

And be sure to stick around the to the end because I will give you actionable steps to change your life using the law of attraction today and a free resource that will help you put they steps into action!

Changing your life starts with a decision to take control of your life. It’s an empowering decision that embraces the responsibility we all have for our own happiness. 

By the end of this blog, you will know exactly how to use the law of attraction to change your life.

I have used this exact roadmap with so many of my Dream Life Academy clients to help them do complete 360s of their lives to attain happiness and attract their lives. I believe we all deserve the life of our dreams and I’m excited to help you attract yours in this blog.

Oh and if you want daily tips and motivation for your manifestation journey be sure to follow me on Instagram @_tiffanyshelton

But wait, if you want to take a deep dive into my exact formula for manifestation that goes a bit further into specific techniques to overcome things like limiting beliefs be sure to  join me for my free Masterclass: Wishing to Attracting 

manifestation masterclass

I’m giving away, for FREE, the exact roadmap I used to manifest my husband, baby, and profitable business. Hope to see you there! Click here to register: 


Click here to watch my Youtube video on this topic:

Instant Life Change

One: Decide What You Want For Your Life

So you know you are ready for a life change, but do you know what you want your new life to consist of? Using the law of attraction starts by owning your power and deciding with intention what you want from this life.


Two: Seek Joy

The law of attraction teaches us that we attract what we want in life from our point of vibration. This just means that we attract based on our mood. As Abraham Hicks teaches, if we feel positive emotion that is a signal from our Spirit that we attracting things in alignment with what our True Self wants. If we are feeling negative emotion, that is our soul giving us a signal that we are negatively attracting and not in alignment with what we truly want.

So the more we can do things that bring us joy, the greater our vibration will be, and the more we will attract into our lives. 

If you are trying to use the Law of the Attraction to change your life, I highly recommend that you get my manifestation planner printable. It will help you intentionally seek joy on a regular basis and implement the Law of Attraction with ease. 


Three: Think positively

Also, on the note of vibrating high. The next thing you want to do to change your life is think positively. This doesn’t mean you will never have a negative thought. It means you empower yourself to know how to deal with these negative thoughts and ultimately begin to think more positively in general. 

Working on your mindset and thinking in the positive has drastic effects on your vibration and ultimately what you attract into your new changed life.

One of my DLA clients whose biggest hurdle was to shift her vibration was able to do so in our work together and it was pivotal in changing her life and attracting what she wanted. Look at what she said, “Working with Tiffany has changed my life tremendously. My life has literally done a complete turnaround since I met her. I was looking for work and found a great job that aligns with my values and will help me continue to work towards my real passions. I have more self-love and have cut down on negative self-talk. I am more hopeful and inspired. I have goals and plans on how to achieve those goals. I’ve learned to handle stress better and to live a more positive life in general. I’m manifesting more easily!”


Four: Be Abundant Now

One of the ways the law of attraction can help you change your life is because it prescribes living in your abundance now. Find ways to feel exactly how you will feel when you change your life, right here, right now. The law of attraction explains that like attracts like, so the more you can feel abundant now, the more abundance you will attract. 

This includes:

  • Thinking in abundance mindset
  • Finding ways to feel abundance now 
  • Acting as if


Five: Co-create with your Higher Power

One of the beautiful things about using the law of attraction to change our life is that you don’t have to do it alone. Intentional manifesting is about co-creating with your Higher Power. 

This requires you to trust in the Universe or God (whatever you call your Higher Power), believe that what you want is coming to you, allow it to come in its own divine way, and accept life’s challenges along the way as blessings in disguise. 


Six: Align with Spirit

The next thing that is very important when using the law of attraction to change your life is to find easy to align with your Higher Self. 

So much of our mind chatter throughout the day is coming from defensive ego and not our True Selves. It’s important to take time to stay connected to your Inner Self because that is where what we want comes from. Our Higher Selves dictate what we want and help us navigate the path there and if we are cut off from our inner selves because of minds our bombarded with ego chatter then we are cut off from the life we really want. 

Use things like meditation, prayer, and journaling to stay connected to your True Self. I have helpful videos on my channel about how to meditate for manifestation if you want more information on this topic


Seven: Take Action

Look, the law of attraction isn’t just about thinking and feeling. Doing is critical. If you want to change your life using the law of attraction you must hold up your end of the co-creating process. 

But not just any old action. Make sure your action is:

  • Focused
  • Intentional 
  • Aligned with what you want

As promised I have a free resource that will help you take action on all of this. Click the link below to grab your free Law of Attraction Checklist that will help you remember all these tips!

So those are my tips on how to use the Law of Attraction to change your life! 

How to use law of attraction to change your life

Tired of piecing together manifestation advice and want to dive deep into exactly how to make your dreams a reality FINALLY? Click here to learn more about my Dream Life Academy, and fast track your manifestation efforts!Dream life Academy