
Fill Yourself Up! A Path to Self-Fulfillment

A Path To Self-Fulfillment

Self-fulfillment is something that humans have been searching for and trying to attain for ages. Throughout history philosophers have tackled this subject with the adamant belief that not only is self-fulfillment possible but they have dedicated much time trying to figure out the direct path to self-fulfillment. Before I detail one of the most substantial, robust, and useful routes to self-fulfillment, first I should tell you what exactly self-fulfillment is.

self-fulfillment ig

Self-fulfillment can be defined many different ways, but according to many scholars and philosophers self-fulfillment usually includes the notion of reaching happiness and fulfillment through honoring inner wisdom and personal growth. Philosopher Abraham Maslow addressed self-fulfillment with his Hierarchy of Needs theory, in which he details a stepwise process to self-actualization. Maslow defined self-actualization as “the desire for self-fulfillment, namely the tendency for him [the individual] to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.” (Maslow, 2000, Theory of Mind) However subsequent philosopher Alan Gewirth asserted that self-fulfillment is the combination of self realization and self actualization. (Gewirth, 2009, Self-Fulfillment). This definition accounts for the fact that we must realize who we are before we can actualize our potential. Furthermore Carl Jung’s individuation theory highlights another important aspect of self-fulfillment by addressing the need to integrate our unconscious material. Jung states that individuation is a psychological process by which one distinguishes oneself from the collective world by integrating the personal and collective unconscious with the conscious. Simply put self-fulfillment requires an intimate knowledge of one’s self separate from any other, in a way that discovers and integrates unconscious material like complexes, defenses, or unprocessed trauma or pain.

However as a guide and reference for self-fulfillment, I reference philosophy that dates back to Vedic texts around 1500 B.C.E. The system not only incorporates factors of self-fulfillment listed above (self-realization, integration of unconscious material, and self-actualization), but it also includes the very important aspect of inner Spirit. As a believer in God, I personally value this system as it allows me to include my spiritual tenets and values into a system to become my best self. If you don’t believe in God, this system still has much value to you,  as it helps us all merge with our Higher Selves and the orderly chaos of the universe regardless of your spiritual beliefs. So what is this fabulous philosophy you ask? Well the Chakra System of course! Before you disregard or discredit this system because of it’s esoteric reputation, I highly suggest you take a deeper look into the meaning of each chakra and I’m sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the life changing philosophy and wisdom that each chakra unfolds. For a easy guide of each chakra read my Blog Series: Beginner’s Guide to Chakras by clicking here.

Here is a quick guide of the intention of each chakra in balance, followed by provoking questions to help you see where you measure up in your journey to self-fulfillment!

Self Fulfillment infographic

If you are seeking balance in any of these areas. Be sure to download my guided meditation album, Cocoa Butter for Mind, which is designed to uniquely help you go within and find inner wisdom to reach self-fulfillment. The album will be released March 7, 2016, so stay tuned!


Do you feel connected to your body?

Do you feel like you’re getting my basic needs met?

Do you feel comfortable with the limitations and boundaries of your existence?

Do you feel safe and secure in your life?


Can you contain your emotion without restricting it?

Can you confront your feelings without drowning in them?

Does your life have enough pleasure? Enough gratification?


Do you have the will to execute your dreams?

Can you stand your ground to shaming internal dialogue and thoughts?

Do you feel stable enough to transform your power into greatness?


Do you feel worthy of love?

Do you exhibit love to yourself and to others?

Do you feel deprived of love?

Do you seek balance between your mind, body, and spirit?


Do you express  the truth of who you are to the world?

Do you consciously create things in your life that serve your truth?

Are you open and able to listen to others even if their truth differs from your own?

Do you resonate with the harmony of your own internal vibrations?


Are you fixated on illusions or are you able to have purposeful vision?

How do you feel about taking a deeper look within?

Are you open to your internal wisdom and intuition?

Do you honor your imagination?


Do you honor the divinity within you?

Do you acknowledge and appreciate divine external power? God? Your Higher Self? The orderly chaos of the universe?